Topic outline

  • Occupational Health & Safety City & Guilds Level 5 Diploma

    This 12 month qualification is designed for anybody that needs to improve performance and prepare for senior management responsibilities.

     Role: Supervisor, Manager/Senior Manager, Other
     Sector: Chemicals, Composites, Downstream Petroleum, Explosives, Industrial Biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology, Medical Devices, Nuclear, Pharmaceuticals, Polymers

    This Course is Aimed at

    Health and Safety Managers or people in equivalent roles who manage health and safety at work.


    This programme is a work-based qualification which participants are given 12 Months to complete but can be completed in as little as four months.  The Diploma supports and verifies the competence of a person in a work situation, allowing participants to gain credit for what they achieve in their job role. The qualification enables the holder to apply for membership of IOSH at graduate level (GradIOSH) – a step towards Chartered Membership status (CMIOSH).

    Programme Content and Key Areas

    This programme recognises a person’s competence using on-the-job performance for assessment rather than relying on examinations. Candidates are given guidance and help with the process of putting together their portfolios and are mentored by a health and safety assessor throughout. There are ten mandatory units, including promoting a positive health and safety culture, developing and implementing effective communication systems for health and safety information, and maintaining knowledge of improvements to influence health and safety practice.

    Learning Outcomes

    Participants will be able to promote a positive H & S culture, as well as develop and implement effective H & S policies and systems in the workplace.

    To book now contact us.

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